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Sexual Offender in Prison: Essential Therapy - Coercive Therapy?

"It is meaningful and it makes sense to treat sex offenders. It is also senseful, if they have been sent to prison. You can call it coercive treatment, but life is full of coercions, especially in the life of a perpetrator," Professor Dr. Hans-Ludwig Kröber (Berlin) emphasizes in Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (Supplement 2012).

"In prison the sexual offender has a lot of time, and there are worse things than talking about sex. The best option is to have an individual psychotherapy executed by a good-looking, young female psychologist full of empathy.

Most of the prisons now prefer grouptherapies, together with other bothersome perpetrators and two therapists; usually you hear and discuss some interesting stories. But how does anybody know that the therapy was successful? How can anybody decide to release the offender from prison?

In Germany we see two different strategies:

If you are a pedosexual perpetrator, you will not be released unless you are pharmacalogically treated by Anti-Androgens; or if you have reached the last day of your terminated sentence.

If you are a rapist, you are not allowed to improve your attitudes and behavioural patterns on your own; you have to follow a department of ´social therapy for sex offender´ for the time of three or five years and have to succeed, e.g. you have to comply to the psychological, sexual gender-associated beliefs of the therapists. Psychotherapy has some options of humiliation, and therapy has the risk to converge to punishment."


Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie 2012-Supplement 1




