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Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

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2012-Supplement 1

Coercive Chemical Castration: Deprivation of Sexual Liberty as a New Understanding of Punishment
Zeynep Burcu Akbaba

Devising and Validating a Psychometric Measure of Current Sexual Interest
Geraldine Akerman, Darren Bishopp, Anthony R. Beech

Ward and Siegert’s Pathway-Model For Self-Identifying Help-Seeking Pedophiles in the Dunkelfeld
Till Amelung, Dorit Grundmann, Laura Kuhle, Klaus M. Beier

Internet Sex Offenders: Reviewing Research Findings and Their Implications for Policy and Practice 
Kelly Babchishin

Psychopathy and Anger Expression in Sex Offenders
Smiljka Barancek, Djulijana Badurina Sertic, Martina Lotar

Criminogenic Needs In Sex Offenders: What Have Years Of Actuarial Assessment Research Taught Us About The Critical Targets Of Effective Correctional Treatment?
Howard Barbaree

Pharmacological Treatment of Sex Offenders in Scotland
Emily Baron, Rajan Darjee

Conduct Problems, Antisocial Tendencies and Sexual Behaviors: A Comparative Study with Sexual and Non-Sexual Juvenile Offenders
Ricardo Barroso, Celina Manita, Pedro Nobre

RNR-Principles for Treatment of High Risk Offenders in Preventive Detention 
Raphaela Basdekis-Jozsa, et al.

From Risk Assessment to Risk Management: New Challenges
Susanne Bengtson

"The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts” - A Crime Scene Behavior Typology
Jürgen Biedermann, Klaus-Peter Dahle, Franziska Gallasch-Nemitz

The Usefulness and Ethical Implications of Community Samples in Sex Offender Research
Emily Blake

Recent Developments in Structured Professional Judgement in Risk Assessment for Intellectually Disabled Sex Offenders
Douglas Boer

The SVR-20 2nd Version: Updates on the Redevelopment of the Sexual Violence Risk - 20 
Douglas Boer

Pharmacological Treatment of Parphilias: International Guidelines
John Bradford

Guidelines of Pharmacological Treatment of Sexual Offenders (Richtlinien der medikamentösen Behandlung von Sexualtätern)
John Bradford, Peer Briken

Hypersexuality and Sexual Offending
Peer Briken

Disrupted Attachment Histories and Abnormal Reflective Functioning as Risk Factors for Sexual Offending Behaviors. Implications for Treatment
Nicoletta Castellino, Maria Zaccagnino, Fabio Veglia

Impulsiveness and Sex Offending: An Integrative Approach Based on Retrospective and Transversal Studies.
Chollier M. et al.

Pharmacotherapy of Sexual Offenders. A Retrospective Study of Side Effects. 
Hans Colstrup et al

Developmental Pathways to Deviant Sexual Fantasies
Franca Cortoni

Tatbegehungsmerkmale und Prognose bei Sexualstraftätern
Klaus-Peter Dahle

The Importance of the Performance of Crime for Prediction of Recidivism and Substance Risk Assessment for Sexual Offenders
Klaus-Peter Dahle, Jürgen Biedermann, Franziska Gallasch-Nemitz

Integrating Research and Clinical Practice: A Qualitative Research Study, What Do Sex Offenders Experience When Role Playing Their Victims and How Do Clinicians Use Role Play Interventions in Treatment?
Maxine Daniels

Sexual Homicide: A Comparison Between Homicidal and Non-homicidal Sex Offenders Referred to a Specialist Forensic Liaison Service in Scotland
Rajan Darjee,Emily Baron

Evidence Based Practice or Just the Best We’ve Got So Far? Uniting Empirical Research with Clinical Practice in the Treatment of Sexual Offenders
Adam Deming

Choice Reaction Time: Assessment of Pedophilic Interest with an Attention-Based Method
Beate Dombert et al.

Strong Voices Rising: Courage to Heal
Margretta S. Dwyer

Denial of the Sexual Offence as the Central Factor of Treatment Nonparticipation and Attrition
Johann Endres, Maike M. Breuer

Standing on a Knife Edge: Managing Confidentiality in Forensic Psychotherapy
Markus Feil

Broadening Responsivity
Jerry Fjerkenstad

Masks, Wounds and Bridges: Expressive Arts Therapy with Sexual Abusers
Haley Fox

Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Sexual Misconduct: A Case Report
Andreas Frei

Diagnostic Accuracy of Eye Movements in Assessing Pedophilia
Peter Fromberger et al.

Does Volunteering for Sex Offender Treatment Matter? Using Propensity Score Analysis to Understand the Effects of Volunteerism and Treatment on Recidivism
Melissa Grady

Polygraph Testing in Forensic Setting
Don Grubin

The Evidence For and Against Polygraph Testing of Sex Offenders
Don Grubin

Pedophilia and Hebephilia as "Sexual Age Orientation”: Empirical and Clinical Aspects
Dorit Grundmann, Janina Neutze, Klaus. M. Beier

Emotion Focused Therapy for Sex Offenders. Experiencing As a Way to Change and to Live More Fulfilling Lives.
Ellen Gunst

CBT-program for Hypersexual Disorder: Experiences from a Feasibility Pilot-study.
Jonas Hallberg, Katarina Öberg

The Characteristics of Online Sexual Offenders
Karl Hanson

Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA): A More Ethical Way to Sex Offender Management in Society
Stephen Hanvey, Mechtild Höing

Measuring ‘Success’ in the Safer Reintegration of High Risk Sex Offenders Into the Community, Through Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA)
Stephen Hanvey

Sentencing Sex Offenders: An International Comparison of Sentencing Policy and Legislation.
Karen Harrison

Juvenile Sex Offenders and Psychopathology
Lisette A. ‘t Hart-Kerkhoffs, Cyril Boonmann et al.

The Crime Scene of Sexual Offenses from the View of a Forensic Medical Specialist
Sven Hartwig

Dynamic Risk Assessment Using STABLE-2007: Updated Follow-up and New Findings from the Dynamic Supervision Project
Leslie Helmus

The Latent Structure of Sexual Body Age Preference
Franz Henkel, Matthias Ziegler, Klaus M. Beier

The Position of the Victim in Offender Therapy - Is Victim Empathy a Necessary Issue?
Knut Hermstad

What Do We Know About the Relationship Between Pornography and Sexual Aggression in Adolescents? A Review of Empirical Studies
Andreas Hill, Peer Briken

Sexual Assault by Men Who Commit Domestic Violence
Zoe Hilton

Domestic Sexual Violence (Häusliche sexuelle Gewalt)
Zoe Hilton, Martin Rettenberger

Doing Good Risk Assessment With Intellectually Disabled Sexual Offenders: A Review of The Current Evidence and Advice for Best Practice 
Kerensa Hocken

Developing an Eye Tracking Assessment Method for Sexual Aggression.
Todd Hogue, Derek Perkins

COSA in Europa
Mechtild Höing

Effective Prevention of Recidivism Through COSA - How Do They Do It?
Mechtild Höing

Specific Reoffending Rates for Different Types of Indecent Image Offenders and Implications for Risk Assessment
Philip Howard et al

Sex Offenders’ Intimate Relationships
Judith Iffland

Forming of Pattern of Violent Serial Behavior
Elena Ilyuk

Differences Between Internet Sex Offenders and Child Abusers in Neuropsychological, Neurophysiological and Neuroimaging Experimental Tests
Roland Jones et al

Hypersexual Disorder: DSM-5 Current Status and Contemporary Controversies
Martin P. Kafka

Youth Sex Offender Typologies: Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI) Profiles and Their Association with Offender Versatility and Victim Age
Sam Kilby, Stephen Smallbone

The Crime Scene Variable Penetration Among Accused Juvenile Sexual Offenders. Results from the Hamburg Model Project for Children and Adolescents at Risk for Sexual Offending.
Verena Klein, Martin Rettenberger, Peer Briken

Paraphilic Coercive Disorder: Is it a Distinct Paraphilia?
Raymond Knight

Recent Developments in Typological Systems for Rapists and Child Molesters
Raymond Knight

Sexual Motives, Sexual Offences and Arson
Frans Koenraadt

Is There Any Difference in Sexuality Between Child Molesters Who Have and Have Not a History of Child Sexual Abuse?
Ellids Kristensen, Annamaria Giraldi, Eva Grahn

How to Get Sexual Offenders Released from Prison.
Hans-Ludwig Kröber

Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church (Sexueller Missbrauch in der Katholischen Kirche)
Hans-Ludwig Kröber

Facets of Empathy and Psychopathy in Undetected Sadistic Pedophiles: Preliminary Comparisons with Non-Sadistic Pedophiles and Normal Controls.
Laura F. Kuhle et al

Treatment Change in Child Pornography Offending in Pedophiles and Hebephiles in the Prevention Project Dunkelfeld
Laura F. Kuhle et al

Pedophilia in the Court: A Critical Analysis of the Scientific Ethical Challenge.
Thore Langfeldt

CBT Group Treatment of Sexual Offenders - An Emotion Regulation and Problem Solving Approach
Mikael Larsen, Mette Sloth Hylleberg

Applying Crime Scene Analysis to the Prediction of Sexual Recidivism in Rape Cases Using the Static-99
Robert J. B. Lehmann, Alasdair M. Goodwill, Klaus-Peter Dahle

Understanding Service-user Experiences of Pharmacological Treatment for Sexual Preoccupation
Rebecca Lievesley et al.

Understanding Sexual Preoccupation and the Psychopharmacological Treatment of It - Service User and Staff Perspectives
Rebecca Lievesley et al.

Can Convicted Offenders Be Classed as 'Volunteering' for Therapy? Working with Men Who Have Committed Sexual Offences and Volunteered for Treatment in a Prison-Based Therapeutic Community
Patrick Mandikate, Geraldine Akerman

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Social Phobia, & Loneliness in Incarcerated Internet Child Pornography Offenders
Liam E. Marshall et al.

A Positive/Motivational Strength Based Approach to Sexual Offender Treatment 
William Marshall, Liam Marshall

The Critical Elements in Effective Sexual Offender Treatment
William Marshall

Motivation to Change in Sex Offenders: Differences between Rapists and Child Molesters 
Martínez-Catena, A., Nguyen, T., Redondo, S.

Adult and Juvenile Sexual Offenders in Treatment. A Portuguese Experience.
Margarida Matias, Celina Manita

"So Why Did You Do It?” Explanations Provided by Child Pornography Offenders
Hannah L. Merdian et al.

What Have You Learned? Sex Offenders' Own View of Group Therapy
R.C. Mesu et al.

A Comparison of Statistical Models for Sexual Risk Assessment
Nina Meyer-Blankenburg et al

"BMJS 12/21”: A Structured Treatment Programme for Juvenile Sex Offenders
Frank Mielke, Kathrin Bremer

The Nil Hypothesis: Cooperation and Compliance or Control and Coercion; Does Therapy ever work?
David Millar

An Empirically Guided Approach to Assessing and Treating Adolescents Who Have Committed Sexual Offenses
Michael Miner

Understanding Perpetration of Child Sexual Abuse: Results from a Study of Adolescent Males 
Michael Miner

Juvenile Sex Offenders: Peer Abuser vs. Child Abuser
Georgia Minor

Predicting Violent Reoffending with the PCL-R/SV in German-speaking Countries: A Meta-analysis
Andreas Mokros

Stop it Now! NL
Jules Mulder, Joan van Horn

Child Sex Offender Therapy Programs in South Africa: Potential Contributions 
Linda Naidoo

Treatment Change in Dynamic Risk Factors (DRF) in the Prevention Project Dunkelfeld (PPD)
Janina Neutze et al.

Specialization and Versatility in Sex Offenders: A Comparative Analysis of Four Levels of Risk Using the RISCANVI
Thuy Nguyen et al.

Diagnosing Severe Sexual Sadism in the Forensic Context (Schwerer sexueller Sadismus im forensischen Kontext)
Joachim Nitschke, Frank Schilling

Sexual Sadism Facing the DSM-V Criteria: 125 Years After the First Description of Sexual Sadism by Richard von Krafft-Ebing
Joachim Nitschke

Case Study - Polish Sexual Serial Killer
Katarzyna Nosek-Komorowska

Empathy and Emotional Functioning of Sex Offenders in Poland
Katarzyna Nosek-Komorowska

Sexual Offending in Poland
Katarzyna Nosek-Komorowska

On the Hypersexual Disorder Screening Inventory, HDSI - Reliability and Use
Katarina Öberg, Jonas Hallberg

Preventing Sexual Offending - Preliminary Data from a Swedish Helpline
Katarina Öberg et al.

Use of Multi-method Assessments with Sexually Violent Offenders Against Women
Derek Perkins, Todd Hogue

The Forensic Experts' Contribution to Prolong Court Ordered Detention of Sexual Offenders 
Friedemann Pfäfflin

Treatment of Paraphilic Disorders (Behandlung der sexuellen Perversion)
Friedemann Pfäfflin

Can Paraphilias as Currently Outlined in the DSM-IV-TR Be Applied to Female Offenders?
Dawn M. Pflugradt

Building Motivation to Change in People of All Ages Who Have Sexually Abused
David Prescott

Therapeutic Communication: Motivation, Feedback, and Beyond
David Prescott

Grooming, Online Solicitation and Luring: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Chatlogs and Interview Data
Ethel Quayle et al

Special Offender Groups and Equality. A Duty to Treat Differently?
Bernadette Rainey

Entwicklung, Struktur und Erfahrungen mit dem Behandlungsprogramm für Sexualstraftäter Ulrich Rehder, Bernd Wischka

Risk Assessment in Sexually Motivated Intimate Partner Violence: A Comparison of Eight Different Measures
Martin Rettenberger, Reinhard Eher

Age or Aging? The Effects of Age on the Recidivism of Sex Offenders
Marnie E. Rice, Grant T. Harris

Psychiatrische Strafgerichtsgutachter: Propheten des 21. Jahrhunderts?
Sigrun Roßmanith

OLTRE IL MURO Project: An Italian Experience for the Treatment of Convicted Sexual Offenders 
Carlo Rosso et al

The Influence of Forensic Outpatient Aftercare on Recidivism of Sexual Offenders
Julia Sauter, Frank Wendt, Tatjana Voß, Klaus-Peter Dahle

The Challenges and Difficulties of Forensic Aftercare
Sandra Schauen, Jan Seise, Elisabeth Dahl

Treatment Refusal and Dropout in Participants of the Prevention Project Dunkelfeld (PPD)
Gerold Scherner et al.

The Prediction of Sexual Recidivism: Current Uncertainties and Future Directions
Jay Singh

Incentive Theory of Sexual Motivation as a Framework for the Description of Sexual Offending Behavior
W.J. Smid, J.W. van den Berg 

Psychopathic Traits in Sex Offenders Associated with High Oxytocin Levels
W.J. Smid, J.A. Troelstra

Basel Program for the Treatment of Consumers of Illegal Pornography
Thorsten Spielmann, Marcel Delahaye, Linda Duris

Restorative Justice and Sexually Harmful Behaviour
Mimi Strange

Residential Treatment of ASO in the Netherlands; Target Group Analyses
Ellis ter Beek

Well Facing Death Is Easier - Clerical Reflections on Pastoral Care for Victims of Sexual Abuse
Inga Tidefors, Lisa Rudolfsson

Implications of Oxytocin Levels in Sex Offenders
J.A. Troelstra, W.J. Smid

Management of Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Sex Offenders
J.A. Troelstra, T.I. Oei

Prescription of Testosterone Lowering Medications in Sexual Offender Treatment in German Forensic Psychiatric Institutions
Daniel Turner, Raphaela Basdekis-Jozsa, Peer Briken

The Position of the Partner in Sex Offender Therapy
Els Van Daele

Towards an Ethical Framework for Fantasy Management in Sex Offenders
Kris Vanhoeck

Virtual Child Pornography and Sex Child Robotics, Ethical Questions and Consequences in Therapy for Sex Offenders
Nils Verbeeck

Medication - If So, For How Long?
Tatjana Voß

How Should "Acceptance of Responsibility” Be Addressed in Sexual Offending Treatment Programs?
Jayson Ware

The Meaning of Comorbid Disorders for the Consideration of Pedosexual Offenders
Frank Wendt, Nina Meyer-Blankenburg

Who is Really in the Frame? Psychoanalytic Approaches to Understanding and Treating Users of Child Pornography
Andrew Williams

Evaluation of the Use of Medication with Convicted Sex Offenders with High Levels of Sexual Preoccupation
Belinda Winder et al.

Assessing Changes in Risk and Recidivism with Correctional Treatment
Stephen Wong

Predictive Validity of Protective Factors in Sexual Offenders
Dahlnym Yoon

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