"Leading models of expertise development and giftedness have placed environmental factors as fundamentally important for understanding attainment. For instance, Ziegler´s Actiotype Model of Giftedness is based on the notion that excellence is best understood as a consequence of an enormous number of successful adaptions to different environments experienced throughout the development process. In Ziegler´s view, access to important developmental resources (i.e. different forms of ´capital´) is critical for positive adaption and continued development.
Educational Capital, for example, refers to exogenous resources that are regulated through a system (and its subsystems) and include factors that can be mobilized or utilized for improvement of education and learning (e.g., wealth, cultural belief, social support, etc.). In comparison, Learning Capital refers to endogenous resources that are regulated by the individual and include things like an individual´s physiological and psychological predisposition, their capabilities for action and attention, among other factors ..."
zum Journal