The study discloses the relevant "personality traits performance motivation, endurance, frustration tolerance, and the ability to control emotions as significant prediction components. These are, in actual fact traits, which enable children to confront problems and challenges in their day-to-day school life with enthusiasm and interest; and also not to give up when faced with obstacles and failure, but rather to put more effort into confronting these and be willing to solve problems.
An exceptionally high intelligence that has been established by the IQ greater than 130 cannot, however, warrant the person´s willingness to learn and perform. The other way round, children who have all these particular personality traits do not necessarily have to have an IQ greater than 130 in order to produce high academic achievement..."
The contribution presents the first empirical validation of a new prognostic tool, the "Viennese Diagnostic Model of High Achievement Potential".
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 3-2013