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Dialectical Thinking is the Peak of Cognitive Development

Professor Dr. Bernardo Merizalde, Psychiatrist in Lafayette Hill, PA/USA, presented (in Wirtschaftspsychologie) "issues of human personality from a dialectical point of view, using as basis Laske’s Constructive Developmental Framework (CDF). This model is useful from a psychiatric perspective since it postulates the dialectic of cognition and emotion as interrelated features in development, simultaneously understanding dialectical thinking as the apex of cognitive development.

According to dynamic systems theory, a key concept of personality and personality development is that of a "center of gravity,” considered as an "attractor.” It is a state or condition a human system gravitates toward, after natural fluctuations. Attractors correspond to temporarily stable personality traits.

The article shows in correspondence with the notion of increasing developmental integration over the human life span that attractors seem to become more cohesive, thereby stabilizing the individual and permitting supra-rational modes of cognition to emerge. The hypothesis that dialectical thinking is the peak of cognitive development and a point where people can reclaim aspects of a pre-linguistic sense of self is also presented, as are notions in psychiatry and practice that seem to reinforce that hypothesis."

Wirtschaftspsychologie 1/2010




