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Issue #101
Self-rating of capacity limitations in mental disorders: The “Mini-ICF-APP-S”
How shall I explain this to my boss? Experimental study on return-to-work consultation variants
Issue #103
What can and what cannot be concluded from patient-reported outcomes as a quality indicator in medical rehabilitation?
Issue #105
Is there a comorbid mental disorder? Documentation of mental health conditions in medical reports from somatic rehabilitation hospitals
Issue #107
Psych-Fit for Future? The Role of Soft Skills in Academic and Professional Education
Capacity-Job-Fit: Operationalisation of the psychological person-job-fit with the Mini-ICF-APP capacity dimensions
Issue #109
Fit for Work under Conditions of Security or Scope of Action? – It depends… An Experimental Study
Issue #110
The different social stressors vilification, humiliation, and breach of trust lead to similar psychological consequences
Issue #116
Often overlooked?! The Body Dysmorphic Disorder and the Olfactory Reference Disorder
Parallel recording of psychotherapy side effects by patient and therapist in routine as well as training therapies by means of the "UE-PT scale"
Induction of embitterment by information about historical relations between neighboring countries – an experimental study
Issue #118
Subjective Wisdom and Wisdom Attitudes over the Course of a Short Wisdom Training
Wisdom therapy group manual
Issue #123/124
Choose one – act on one! A Three-Session Coaching on a Selected Work Problem
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2440/008-0002e
Self-Management for Work Problems or Work Anxiety
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2440/008-0003e
Strengths-based team coaching: A positive psychological intervention to enhance well-being and performance at work
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2440/008-0006e
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