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Study shows: How to reliably diagnose ADHD and CAPD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) and Central Auditory Processing Disorders (CAPD) often present such similar behaviors that differential diagnosis may not only be difficult, but the diagnosis may actually depend upon whether it is a psychologist or the audiologist who first evaluates the child. "Our research indicates that ADHD and CAPD are two distinct, overlapping disorders", Warren Keller and Kim Tillery (New York) report.

"In order to determine whether or not a child with ADHD manifests CAPD, the child should receive the CAP evaluation while receiving a therapeutic dose of stimulant medication. The CAP evaluations should be provided in such a way that attention and fatigue is controlled, especially when administered to the ADHD populations. Such precautions will control for the influence that inattention may have on auditory processing abilities ..."

"When controlling for learning, Ritalin did not have a significant effect on any of the CAP measures used in this study, whether they assessed dichotic speech, phonemic skills, or the ability to extract speech from background noise. However, performance was significantly improved on the ACPT, a test for attention and impulsivity, when the children received Ritalin."

It’s All About Relationships
Comunian, Anna Laura; Gielen, Uwe P. (Eds.)




