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LSD and mushroom use: two different psychodelic generations

"Although psychedelic drug use is much less extensive today than it was in the historic 1960s phase, it occurs within similar consumption patterns, and typical users seem to share common social characteristics, i.e. the majority of them are well-educated young adults aged below 30, likewise supplemented by teenagers and other social milieus", Dr. Susanna Prepeliczay reports.

"During both periods, LSD and mushroom use is associated with alternative lifestyles expressed by former subcultures in the Psychedelic Movement´s environment and the recent Techno culture. Subcultural frameworks and contexts associated with LSD-like drugs, however, imply a quite different appearance and ideology in previous and current eras.
Although some overlaps are recognisable in terms of hedonistic in-groups and their orientations, the most evident contrast manifests itself with regard to social-political impacts and objectives, which were highly pronounced formerly and seem totally absent in the present subcultural context. Since this difference is reflected by a principal relationship with the surrounding society, possible explanations might arise from historic opposition and present consensual conformism ..."




