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Leading investors: A major change in consciousness evolution is currently taking place

What are the most significant emotional, physical, cognitive, or other experiences that characterize the interior transformation of investors and shifted them from an ego-centric to a world-centric center of gravity prior, during, and after the 2008-crisis? Dr. Mariana Bozesan (Humboldt Viadrina School of Governance, Berlin) analyzed the question and presented the results in the independent journal "Wirtschaftspsychologie":

"The interior evolution to later stages of human development of the researched 132 investors was originated without exception by pain. After the initial refusal to deal with it, the research-participants eventually faced their shadows. The transformational sequence was instigated by the cognitive line of development that was followed by emotional breakthroughs, soulsearching processes, and emergencies that eventually lead to unity consciousness.

The researched leaders in investing, business, finances, and economics

  • embraced life and humanity in all its dimensions
  • are now much more able to live with paradoxes and be joyous, fulfilled, and serene
  • can accept reality as it is
  • make no separation between their interior/personal and exterior/professional lives
  • cultivate their theier capacity for compassion, empathy, and unconditional love through integral prctices
  • have moved beyond emotional mastery ..."

Wirtschaftspsychologie 2012-3




