It was even the fifth time, if you also count the founding conference of the Gesellschaft für experimentelle Psychologie, in 1904, which has been organized by Müller, Sommer, Ebbinghaus, Exner, Külpe, Meumann & Schumann. 110 years ago, 85 researchers gathered in Gießen and founded a society that later on became the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie. 110 years later, about 650 participants from 18 different countries came to Gießen.
There were 570 talks and posters that covered the whole field of experimental psychology. The programme represented basic subjects such as general psychology, developmental and social psychology, and neuroscience, but also more applied subjects such as sports and movement science, clinical psychology, traffic psychology and economy. It also covers most of the basic human processes, such as attention, perception, cognition, learning, memory and action.
Abstracts of the 56th Conference of Experimental Psychologists
Schütz, Alexander C.; Drewing, Knut; Gegenfurtner, Karl R. (Eds.)