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Coaching and training for managers: Transcultural and conflict management competences

More and more managers are challenged by the complex global and international work environment and requirements of (post-)modern organizations. Dr. Claude-Helene Mayer and Dr. Christian Martin Boness guide with their coaching- and training-manual through the topics of health and sense coherence, transcultural competencies and identities, managing conflicts across cultures, and systemic perspectives and practices in organizations. Theoretical informations and practical exercises provide ideas on how to cope with managerial responsibilities in a salutogenetic and enjoyable way.

In this manual the following aims are important:

  • Explaining health, well-being, health promoting and salutogenesis
  • Exploring transcultural leadership competences
  • Exploring transcultural conflict management
  • Elaborating personal feelings, needs and value orientations and their connection to socio-cultural norms and values as well as personal behaviour
  • Training the salutogenetic perspective in management and leadership
  • Empowering transcultural leadership competences
  • Improving well-being on the physical, psychological and mental health levels through cognitive, affective and behavioural-oriented training

The manual can be used

  • as a self-coaching and self-training programme
  • by coaches, counsellors and consultants supporting employees, managers and leaders in their personal development
  • in individual counselling sessions, as well as in group training and team mentoring processes
  • to train facilitators within organizations to develop health promotion and salutogenesis across cultures

An important topic is conflictmanagement. Mayer and Boness emphasize: "Often inter-personal conflicts are impacted by intra-personal identity processes. It has been stated that all conflicts are identity conflicts, because conflicts allways occur in dependence on the person´s identity and values. Therefore, the individual´s identity must be considered when managing conflicts. Identity conflicts are usually difficult to resolve, because identity is assumed to be non-negotiable, whereas interests are. The need to belong and conform is very high in identity conflicts. Complex conflict dynamics correlate with asymmetrie, a lack of understanding and a lack of feeling of control. Identity conflicts are associated with intense emotions, unrealistic views of others and a lack of empathy ..."

Creating mental health across cultures – Coaching and training for managers
Mayer, Claude-Hélène; Boness; Christian Martin




