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Psychiatry: Research identifies echoes of drug culture in modern music

"There is a broad relationship between drug use and different components of music production and musical preferences. It seems evident that ´there are echoes of drug culture in music´. It is therefore unsurprising that epidemiological research shows up certain patterns of drug use in any group that shares some lifestyle components - including musical preferences", Professor Dr. Alfred Springer (University Vienna/Austria) reports (in his study "Taking drugs to make music to take drugs to?").

"But it would be too simplistic to draw conclusions concerning a causal relationship and to blame certain musical styles for patterns of drug use evolving in youth populations. Young people joining specific groups feel attracted to complex lifestyle patterns and other influences on the cultural level. Since music and drugs are regarded as ´everyday commodities´ by participants in popular culture, these patterns may include a musical preference and a preference for drug use, since this behaviour represents participation at symbolic levels."

The psychiatrist emphasizes "that the relationship between music preference  and substance use is either wholly or partially mediated by perceived peer use. Music can model substance use, and fans of different types of music may select friends with use patterns that reinforce their own substance-use inclinations." Springer argues "that popular music mirrors life and that drug use becomes an issue in music when it is an issue in life..."


Markets, methods and messages. Dynamics in European drug research
Fountain, Jane; Asmussen Frank, Vibeke; Korf, Dirk J (Eds.)





