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The re-activation of a patient´s self-healing powers needs time and trust

Studies have shown that to elderly patients young clinicians move so fast, that they become virtually invisible, whereas the fast moving young clinicians are led to perceive the slow-moving as statues rather than living beings, Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther and Dr. Ingrid Flaig (Göttingen) criticize.

"These studies also indicate that clinicians are often so short of time that they tend to talk rather than take time to listen to what a patient wants to share. It seems evident that in these cases the difference in time perception leads to unsatisfactory communication for both sides - the doctor cannot be sure whether her or his information has been understood, and the patient is left with his questions, observations, and worries.

For a patient, not being treated respectfully, not being listened to, and not being understood by his or her doctor leads to a relationship without the trust, which is the key to being able to follow an invitation to make a new experience...

The re-activation of a patient´s self-healing powers requires an in-depth knowledge of this person´s biography. The attending doctor needs a fair amount of time to find out what a patient has experienced, and which ideas and convictions, which stances and mind-sets resulted from these experiences. This process can only take place, when there is a personal relationship between the doctor and his or her patient, which is characterised by mutual trust ..."

Exploring Mental Health: Theoretical and Empirical Discourses on Salutogenesis
Mayer, Claude-Hélène; Krause, Christina (Eds.)




