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Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling

This journal Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, focusses on three areas: psychology-specific statistical methods & problems, general psychometrics, and psychological assessment in theory & practice. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to contribute to any topic of these areas. That is in particular in-depth research work on psychology-specific statistical methods and problems, in-depth research work on psychometrics, and in-depth research work on psychological assessment. All above, any application of models of the Item Response Theory (IRT) is of interest as well as any theoretical consideration of the psychometric qualities of such models – of very great importance is always to get sight of the Rasch model’s exceptional property from the perspective of the theory of science: The Rasch model allows specific objective comparisons of examinees or items.

Finally: We welcome papers dealing especially with research reproducibility. Also authors are warmly encouraged to publish new computer routines (particularly done in R), which support Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling.

Submitted papers will be reviewed within four weeks. Given a revised version due to the reviewers objections is once re-submitted and accepted, a paper will be published at once.

Prof. Klaus D. Kubinger, PhD, MSc, Editor-in-Chief

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